There are lots of reference materials available from a variety of publishers. These are some that we heartily recommend.
Redfern offers some books to students at 10% to 25% or more below suggested retail prices. All sales are subject to PA sales tax.
The Ultimate Puppy Toolkit is a comprehensive guide to help new puppy owners to make the most of the first weeks and months. It covers the stages of growth with attention to socialization, prevention, games, junior obedience, and house training. $17.00 (SRP $20.00)
The Dog Behavior Answer Book, by Arden Moore. Practical Insights & Proven Solutions for Your Canine Questions. Helps you to understand what your dog is trying to tell you, and what he’s thinking. Available from most bookstores and from
The Dog’s Mind, by Bruce Fogle. This is a fascinating book that explains how dogs perceive the world, how they see, hear, learn and relate to owners. Available from most bookstores and from Dogwise.
Don’t Shoot the Dog, by Karen Pryor, is one of the classics on the subject of Clicker Training. Includes methods of getting rid of all sorts of undesirable behavior, affection training, and even ways to deal with behavior problems in humans. Available from most bookstores and from Dogwise.
Fifteen Tips for Getting Started with the Clicker, by Karen Prior. Available for printing from her Website. See also a list of Clicker Training Terms in her Glossary.
Clicker Training for Dogs. by Karen Pryor. A basic introduction to clicker training — positive reinforcement training, based on operant conditioning.. Available from most bookstores and from Dogwise.
The Third Way, Articles 1-17, by Chris Bach. “The Next Generation in Reinforcement Training”, using reinforcers, without corrections or domination of the dog. Available from most bookstores and from Dogwise.
Before & After You Get Your Puppy, by Ian Dunbar. How to select the right puppy, plus crucial lessons a puppy must be taught during its impressionable early development. Available from most bookstores and from Dogwise.
On Talking Terms with Dogs: Calming Signals, by Turid Rugaas. Turid Rugaas is a noted expert on canine body language. “Calming Signals” are signals dogs give to other dogs and humans to denote stress and to attempt to defuse situations that otherwise might result in fights or aggression. Available from most bookstores and from Dogwise.